Sketching and listening

A new update to the app Paper on iPad has resulted in me getting too freaky and writing whatever pops into my head. But look pretty colours!
I will probably post more of my rambles/sketches/drawings from this app, its really nice to use.

This morning I had my statistics computer test. It wasn't a proper exam but it was still worth 30% of the research module and in a week I will have another one but this time worth 75%. But thinking on the bright side, it will be the last time I study statistics! Hooraaah.

But there are no other updates. My life is pretty dull and just like every other student, can't wait for summer to come without the stress of tests. Its not the nicest feeling when you're sat inside revising when the sun in shining (although it's very windy right now so I'm glad to be inside).

Heres a little song I just heard on the radio thought it would be nice to put at the end of this post.

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